
This is Andrew P. Chick’s website with links to protected species surveys, ecology works for planning applications and general wildlife conservation. As part of the planning process, a protected species survey may be a requirement.  I hold the appropriate licenses to survey and mitigate for the commonly encountered ‘protected species’.

Based in the Lake District, I am available to undertake Protected Species Surveys including Bat SurveysBird SurveysPhase 1 Habitat and  Reptile and Newt Surveys in the Lake District and Cumbria.


For the past 15 years I have been working as an Independent Ecologist and Protected Species Surveyor undertaking ecological surveys on a wide range of habitats. I have worked on numerous projects such as property developments, demolition projects, historic buildings, churches, large wind farm proposals, single wind turbine projects, solar parks, pipelines & road schemes. Clients include private developers, planning consultants, architects, environmental consultancies, the National Trust, Natural England, the Woodland Trust and the Environment Agency.


Initial ecology surveys can be undertaken throughout the year. However, the period mid-Sept until early-April is not the optimum time to undertake a survey in terms of recording bat activity. If evidence of any significant bat activity is found during an inspection of a site at this time of the year, then the local County Ecologist and/or the Natural England officer may request that further survey work is undertaken during the spring/summer season (Late April – September).


Professional liability and indemnity insurance is underwritten by Zurich Insurance PLC under authority from MFL Professional Insurance Brokers.


I am a member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology & Environmental Management and comply with the professional codes of practice for the organisation.


All biological data collected during the course of the contract will be made available to appropriate biodiversity records centres (as per the CIEEM Code of Professional Conduct Clause 5.8) in order to better inform future ecological surveys.