I am full booked for bat survey at the moment and unable to take on any more work (August 2024)
Based in the Lake District, I undertake Bat Surveys across Cumbria.
I hold a Natural England licence for work with bats in England. I have experience of leading and assisting with numerous types of bat surveys. I have extensive experience in bat survey methodology, including emergence, transect and roost surveys, as well as Bat Warden Inspections on behalf of English Nature. I have expert knowledge of using Pettersson time-expansion and Anabat bat detectors and have specialist knowledge of using software for the sound analysis of bat recordings.
I have experience of working on historic buildings, including recent projects with the National Trust at Belton House, Lincolnshire (re-roofing works on the Stable Block), Gunby Hall (re-roofing works on the Gate House), Hardwick Hall, Clumber Park and Belton Park. I have successfully completed numerous formal EPS bat licence applications to Natural England.
I am a registered Bat Mitigation (Low Impact) Class Licence holder (registered consultant reference number R179). The bat ‘low impact’ licence (CL21) is a mitigation class licence that permits a registered ecological consultant work with certain bats and their roosts.