Based in the Lake District, I undertake Bird Surveys across Cumbria.
General bird survey work
I am experienced in carrying out Breeding Bird Surveys, Wintering Bird Surveys, Offshore Bird Surveys, Barn Owl Surveys, Raptor Surveys, Vantage Point Surveys and Black Redstart surveys. I hold a British Trust for Ornithology ringing license and have experience of ringing a wide range of British Species, including Barn Owls, Little Owls and numerous Birds of Prey (under Schedule 1 licence).
The Wash NE Breeding Redshank
During the breeding season 2022 I undertook counts of breeding redshank on eight SSSI sector for Natural England within the Lincolnshire Wash. Survey work provide up-to-date population estimates used to monitor the SPA/SAC and Ramsar site.
The Wash NE Low Tide Counts
Overwinter 2019-20 I was a surveyor as part of the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEHUK) project on behalf of Natural England to undertake low tide counts. The entire area of intertidal mud- and sand-flats was surveyed at low tide and the numbers and distribution of feeding waders (Charadrii) and shelduck Tadorna tadorna and roosting wildfowl, sea ducks and waders were recorded and mapped.
Moorland Survey Work
I have been involved in moorland breeding bird surveys as part of a team for Natural England at sites in the Peak District (2019) and The Forest of Bowland (2017). An adapted Brown & Shepherd methodology was used with the sites divided into 500m x 500m survey squares with 20 – 25 minutes spent in each square.
SSSI Woodland Surveys
I have experience of setting up monitoring programs for breeding birds as part of ongoing survey work for Natural England and the National Trust. I have been contracted to undertake breeding bird surveys within selected SSSIs in Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire.
The results of the surveys are being used to complete a Common Standards Monitoring (CSM) assessment of the condition of the woodland breeding bird assemblage at each site surveyed and the results will be used to advise on future management of the conservation of woodland birds.
Breeding Wader and Wildfowl Survey at the Idle Washlands
I was commissioned by Janice Bradle (Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust, NWT) to undertake a breeding bird survey of Idle Washlands Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), Nottinghamshire. The survey is required in connection with a future assessment of the Site Management Plan. This report details the methods used, describes the habitats and species found on the site, discusses the results and makes recommendations for further work. Click here to see results.
Black Redstart Surveys
I have worked on Black Redstart projects in Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, the Midlands (including Birmingham) and London. I have worked on large scale demolition projects where planning has require Black Redstart mitigation. I can provide the require reports/survey data and risk assessments regarding working methods necessary to safeguard protected species and ensure legal compliance.